What Our Partners Say About Us

As you can imagine, we work with a lot of companies around the globe to obtain the level of precision, quality and integrity of the Kepma brand. In fact, each Kepma Elite Series guitar contains sourced materials from over a dozen countries and are meticulously made on equipment from the world's most advance machinery providers.  Here are few morsels from some of our manufacturing and supply partners...


“Kepma’s use of ABB robots for the painting, sanding and buffing of their guitars is similar to applications ABB robots are used for in the manufacturing of high quality goods from smart phones to luxury watches and some of the world’s top performance automobiles. The precision capabilities ensure the highest consistent quality, reliability in production and safety in the work environment.”

— ABB Robotics

During the manufacturing process, Kepma Elite utilizes multiple ABB robotic machines to ensure that the finishing, sanding and buffing processes are perfect - every time.


“Kepma is one of the first guitar companies in China to install Plek machines into their facilities. They now have multiple Plek machines that they use not only for production but also utilize in their R&D and quality control processes. Plek technology ensures that each Kepma guitar is shipped in its best possible playing condition.” 

Michael Dubach, Managing Director, Marketing and Operations, Plek

Every Kepma Elite Guitar neck and fretboard has been set up utilizing state of the art Plek® technology to ensure a perfectly set up and playable guitar - every time.


“After visiting the Kepma factory 3 years ago, and again last month, it was clear they have a true passion in producing and constantly improving their manufacturing facilities, testing labs, and overall knowledge to create an outstanding guitar playing experience.  We are elated to work with Kepma, and proud that our TUSQ saddles stood above the rest in their relentless pursuit of great tone and performance”.

— Dave Dunwoodie •Head Honcho and President, Graph Tech Guitar Labs Ltd.


Kepma Elite Guitars ship exclusively with Elixir Nanoweb strings, chosen for their durability, sustain, tone and longevity of intonation.



“We are thrilled that Kepma Guitar has chosen Epilog’s Fusion M2. The M2 provides Kempa with the space and precision they need to produce the cutting and inlay results their customers demand. The M2’s generous engraving table coupled with its powerful laser source produce incredibly detailed engravings and perfect cuts quickly and easily.” 

— Mike Dean, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Epilog Laser

Kepma Elite uses Epilog Laser technology to precision cut their solid tops.


“The best manufacturers know that working to deliver the best quality possible is an investment when it comes to building their business and their productions. BACCI works with the best manufacturers in the world confirming the quality and reliability standards of Bacci machines and we’re glad to be working with Kepma Guitars.”

— Joe Berry, Director, Bacci America Automation

Kepma Elite Guitars utilize Bacci Precision CNC Cutters in the manufacture of some of the highest quality fine guitars in the world.


“Kempa Guitars are made using Haas machines.  The Haas machines are used by the world’s leading manufacturers in musical instruments.  The Kepma factory uses an array of Haas CNC machines to enable a streamline production process and consistency in machined parts every time.”

— Haas Automation